About Us

National Consumer Telecom & Utilities Exchange®(NCTUE®) is a consortium of over 95 member companies from the telecommunications, utilities and pay TV industries. The board is comprised of member companies in these industries. The exchange is managed by an Executive Director and a 9-member Board of Trustees. NCTUE membership is governed by member agreements, operating guidelines and bylaws.


Our mission is to serve as an FCRA-compliant credit data exchange service for the telecommunication, payTV and utility industries by submitting industry-specific payment information to enable members of the exchange to better identify and manage financial risks and to better monitor customer relationships during the life of the service affiliation.


The NCTUE will continuously evolve and improve our unique exchange ensuring its sustainable competitive advantage for members, and facilitate their credit decisioning, and risk mitigation while responding to industry trends.

Key Facts

The database contains information on over 218 million unique consumers. NCTUE members are required to comply with FCRA requirements as data furnishers to a consumer reporting agency and as users of consumer reports, including adverse action notification requirements. The NCTUE database is housed and managed by Equifax Information Services, LLC. The database does not include Equifax credit information, and Equifax is not a member of NCTUE.

History of NCTUE

To read about the history of NCTUE, refer to our history page.

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